Kids Coding

Free of charge class, "Kids Coding" will be opened soon. Enroll Now

* Fee? 0$ Free of Charge
* When? 1. Only weekend day (Saturday and Sunday)
2. The date, we will inform the start by your contact
* Where? at KHMERCODING 1st floor
* Requirement? 1. Age from 4 years or able to communicate in Khmer or English
2. Able to play phone or tablet or laptop
3. Your own laptop
* Things to learn? 1. Scratch Basics - Episode 1_ Introduction to the Scratch Working Environment
2. Scratch Basics - Episode 2_ Deleting a Sprite, Adding a Sprite & Adding a Backdrop
3. Scratch Basics - Episode 3_ Make Your Sprite Say Something!
4. Scratch Basics - Episode 4_ Adding a Sound
5. Scratch Basics - Episode 5_ Make Your Sprite Fly Around
6. Scratch Basics - Episode 6_ Gliding From One Point to Another
7. Scratch Basics - Episode 8_ Moving Up and Down
8. Scratch Basics Episode 7_ Make Your Sprite Move Left & Right
9. Scratch Basics Episode 9_ Coding Costume Changes
10. Scratch Basics Episode 10 Coding Backdrop Changes